With 50+ guests every Friday night for Shabbat dinner, bridging the gap between a vibrant Jewish experience at college and forging your identity as a young Jew in the professional world has never been more accessible in Center City. MAMASH! CHABAD ensures that all of the Jewish young professionals in Philadelphia have multiple weekly opportunities to meet new friends and become a part of this growing community.

From MegaShabbats attended by up to 200 people, weekly Torah classes, JewCruise on the Delaware, Beer Garden Concerts, PaintNites, and much more,  the Chabad House is constantly providing innovative programming and enabling a unique, diverse group of young Jews to grow and explore their heritage together on a weekly basis.  With over 4,000 people at our events annually and new faces walking in the door every month, Mamash!Chabad is at the forefront of the explosion of Jewish life in Center City.